
Coburg Lark

Coburg Lark pigeon is a medium to large sized breed with completely light grey head. Body of these birds hold […]

Crested Soultz

The Crested Soultz pigeon is a medium to large sized bird with very beautiful crest over their head. It has


Damascene pigeon is a medium sized bird with very beautiful appearance. Two most striking features of these beautiful birds are

Danish Suabian

Wings of the Danish Suabian pigeon are white and have either a lace or spangle pattern. The tail is black

Danish Tumbler

Danish Tumbler pigeon is a medium sized breed with elegant and slender type appearance. The body is highly carried with

Danzig Highflyer

The Danzig Highflyer pigeon is a very hardy and strong bird. As the name suggests, the breed is excellent flyer,


Dragoon pigeon is a medium sized bird which carries itself quite boldly and erectly. Body of these birds is of

Dresden Trumpeter

Neck of the Dresden Trumpeter pigeon is short and fairly rounded. The breast is broad as possible, full and pressed

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