
Saxon Monk

Saxon Monk pigeon is a medium sized breed with oval and smooth head. The head is without crest and the […]

Saxon Shield

Legs of the Saxon Shield pigeon are low positioned with muff feathers. The muff feathers are long and well curved.

Saxon Spot

Saxon Spot pigeon is an average sized breed with rounded head. It comes in four color varieties: black, blue, red


The Scandaroon pigeon is a very beautiful breed of domestic pigeon. It is neither used for show purpose nor for

Schmalkalden Moorhead

Schmalkalden Moorhead pigeon is a small sized breed with arched head which somewhat high in the forehead. The eyes are

Serbian Highflyer

Serbian Highflyer pigeon is a small to medium sized breed with compact body and flat vertical crest. Head of these

Shiraz Tumbler

The Shiraz Tumbler pigeons are excellent flyers. They are especially noted for their very beautiful appearance. They can fly up

South German Shield

South German Shield pigeon is a German Toy pigeon. It is a small sized breed and is closely related to


Starling pigeon is an average sized breed with stronger appearance. It is similar in appearance to the common field pigeons,

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