

It’s a good decision to consult with a vet before starting to bottle feed a lamb. An experienced vet can

Sheep Shearing

Actually sheep shearing is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. Each adult sheep

Sheep Breeds

There are about 200 sheep breeds around the world. Sheep breeds are of three types according to their production which


The Acipayam sheep are medium sized animals with beautiful appearance. They are mainly white in coloration, and both rams and


The Adal sheep are smaller sized animals. They are unicolored from white to dark brown. Occasionally they are also pied


The Afrikaner sheep are medium to large sized animals. Their wool color is generally white with red or black face.

Algarve Churro

The Algarve Churro sheep are medium sized animals with beautiful appearance. They are mainly white in coloration with black spots

Alpines Steinschaf

The Alpines Steinschaf sheep are medium to large sized animals with beautiful appearance. They are fine-boned mountain sheep breed with

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