
Morada Nova

The Morada Nova sheep is a relatively smaller sized breed. These animals have deep thorax, flat ribs, thin rump, not […]

Poll Merino

The Poll Merino sheep are very strong and hardy animals. The rams and wethers are less prone to poll strike


Merinolandschaf sheep are large animals with a large frame. They have a straight head with a small woolly tuft on

Booroola Merino

The Booroola Merino sheep are strong and hardy animals like the original Merino sheep. They are highly valued for their


The Meatmaster sheep are medium sized animal with various wool color. They can be either horned or polled. They are


The Massese sheep are small to medium sized animals with lead-grey to black coloration. Their face color is usually black.

Manx Loaghtan

The Manx Loaghtan sheep are very hardy animals, and they require little in the way of additional feed. They are


Merino sheep are medium sized animals with very beautiful appearance. They can be either polled or horned. The polled version

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