Marans Chicken

Marans chickens are a fast growing breed and extremely hardy that will thrive in almost all climates. They are generally […]

Lakenvelder Chicken

Lakenvelder chickens are good layers and lay up to 160 eggs per year. Their eggs are medium in size, weighing

Catalana Chicken

Catalana chicken breed is suitable for both meat and eggs production. They produce good quality meat. It is the only

Campine Chicken

Silver and Gold are the two color varieties of the Campine chicken. Both male and female birds have the same

Andalusian Chicken

Andalusian chicken is a very active breed and are quieter and less flighty than most other Mediterranean poultry breeds. They

Pekin Chicken

Pekin chicken is a bantam breed which originated from Peking (now known as Beijing) in China. They are smaller in

Cornish Chicken

Cornish chicken (also known as Indian Game) is a meat chicken breed from the county of Cornwall in the United

Ameraucana Chicken

The Ameraucana chicken is an American domestic chicken breed which was developed in the United States in the 1970s. This

Speckled Sussex Chicken

Speckled Sussex chicken is a dual purpose breed which originated in Sussex county, England in the early of 19th century.

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